
Until we reach version 1.0, there may be occasional changes to the project structure Sapper expects.

0.25 to 0.26

The most significant change yet: Sapper is now built on Svelte 3.

Importing Sapper

Your app's runtime is now built to src/node_modules/@sapper — this allows you to easily import it from anywhere in your source code. Update your server.js...

// src/server.js
-import * as sapper from '../__sapper__/server.js';
+import * as sapper from '@sapper/server';

...and client.js:

-import * as sapper from '../__sapper__/client.js';
+import * as sapper from '@sapper/app';

	target: document.querySelector('#sapper')

The same applies to imports like goto and prefetchRoutes.

Webpack config

If you're using webpack, you must update your configuration to recognise .mjs and .svelte files:

resolve: {
	extensions: ['.mjs', '.js', '.json', '.svelte', '.html']

If you're using .svelte files (recommended), you'll also need to tell svelte-loader to expect them:

-test: /\.html$/
+test: /\.(svelte|html)$/

Session data

Passing data from server to client is now accomplished with a session function passed to the middleware:

// src/server.js
	session: (req, res) => ({
		// session data goes here

This data is available in preload functions as the second argument:

<!-- SomeComponent.svelte -->
<script context="module">
	export function preload(page, session) {
		const { path, params, query } = page; // as before

		if (!session.user) return this.redirect(302, 'login');
		// ...


It is also available, along with page and preloading, as a store inside components:

	import * as sapper from '@sapper/app';
	const { page, preloading, session } = sapper.stores();

page and preloading are readable stores, while session is writable. Writing to the session store (for example, after the user logs in) will cause any preload functions that rely on session data to re-run; it will not persist anything to the server.


Your layout components should now use a <slot> element to render nested routes, instead of <svelte:component>:

-    <svelte:component this={child.component} {...child.props}/>
+    <slot></slot>

The layout component itself receives a segment prop, which is equivalent to child.segment in earlier versions.

0.21 to 0.22

Instead of importing middleware from the sapper package, or importing the client runtime from sapper/runtime.js, the app is compiled into the generated files:

// src/client.js
-import { init } from 'sapper/runtime.js';
-import { manifest } from './manifest/client.js';
+import * as sapper from '../__sapper__/client.js';

	target: document.querySelector('#sapper'),
-    manifest
// src/server.js
import sirv from 'sirv';
import polka from 'polka';
import compression from 'compression';
-import sapper from 'sapper';
-import { manifest } from './manifest/server.js';
+import * as sapper from '../__sapper__/server.js';

const { PORT, NODE_ENV } = process.env;
const dev = NODE_ENV === 'development';

polka() // You can also use Express
		compression({ threshold: 0 }),
-        sirv('assets', { dev }),
+        sirv('static', { dev }),
-        sapper({ manifest })
+        sapper.middleware()
	.listen(PORT, err => {
		if (err) console.log('error', err);
// src/service-worker.js
-import { assets, shell, routes, timestamp } from './manifest/service-worker.js';
+import { files, shell, routes, timestamp } from '../__sapper__/service-worker.js';

In addition, the default build and export directories are now __sapper__/build and __sapper__/export respectively.

0.20 to 0.21

  • The app directory is now src
  • The routes directory is now src/routes
  • The assets directory is now static (remember to update your src/server.js file to reflect this change as well)
  • Instead of having three separate config files (webpack/client.config.js, webpack/server.config.js and webpack/service-worker.config.js), there is a single webpack.config.js file that exports client, server and serviceworker configs.

0.17 to 0.18

The sapper/webpack/config.js file (required in the webpack/*.config.js files) is now sapper/config/webpack.js.

0.14 to 0.15

This release changed how routing is handled, resulting in a number of changes.

Instead of a single App.html component, you can place _layout.html components in any directory under routes. You should move app/App.html to routes/_layout.html and modify it like so:

-<!-- app/App.html -->
+<!-- routes/_layout.html -->

-<Nav path={props.path}/>
+<Nav segment={child.segment}/>

-<svelte:component this={Page} {...props}/>
+<svelte:component this={child.component} {...child.props}/>

You will then need to remove App from your client and server entry points, and replace routes with manifest:

// app/client.js
import { init } from 'sapper/runtime.js';
-import { routes } from './manifest/client.js';
-import App from './App.html';
+import { manifest } from './manifest/client.js';

	target: document.querySelector('#sapper'),
-    routes,
-    App
+    manifest
// app/server.js
import sirv from 'sirv';
import polka from 'polka';
import sapper from 'sapper';
import compression from 'compression';
-import { routes } from './manifest/server.js';
-import App from './App.html';
+import { manifest } from './manifest/server.js';

		compression({ threshold: 0 }),
-        sapper({ routes, App })
+        sapper({ manifest })
	.catch(err => {
		console.log('error', err);

preload functions no longer take the entire request object on the server; instead, they receive the same argument as on the client.

0.13 to 0.14

The 4xx.html and 5xx.html error pages have been replaced with a single page, _error.html. In addition to the regular params, query and path props, it receives status and error.

0.11 to 0.12

In earlier versions, each page was a completely standalone component. Upon navigation, the entire page would be torn down and a new one created. Typically, each page would import a shared <Layout> component to achieve visual consistency.

As of 0.12, this changes: we have a single <App> component, defined in app/App.html, which controls the rendering of the rest of the app. See sapper-template for an example.

This component is rendered with the following values:

  • Page — a component constructor for the current page
  • props — an object with params, query, and any data returned from the page's preload function
  • preloadingtrue during preload, false otherwise. Useful for showing progress indicators

Sapper needs to know about your app component. To that end, you will need to modify your app/server.js and app/client.js:

// app/server.js
import polka from 'polka';
import sapper from 'sapper';
import serve from 'serve-static';
import { routes } from './manifest/server.js';
+import App from './App.html';

-        sapper({ routes })
+        sapper({ App, routes })
// app/client.js
import { init } from 'sapper/runtime.js';
import { routes } from './manifest/client.js';
+import App from './App.html';

-init(target: document.querySelector('#sapper'), routes);
+    target: document.querySelector('#sapper'),
+    routes,
+    App

Once your App.html has been created and your server and client apps updated, you can remove any <Layout> components from your individual pages.

<0.9 to 0.10

  • Your <head> element must contain %sapper.base% (see (base URLs)
  • Remove references to your service worker; this is now handled by %sapper.scripts%
  • Your preload functions should now use this.fetch instead of fetch. this.fetch allows you to make credentialled requests on the server, and means that you no longer need to create a global.fetch object in app/server.js.

0.6 to 0.7

Consult sapper-template for full examples of all the below points.


To start a dev server, use sapper dev rather than node server.js. In all likelihood, your package.json will have an npm run dev script that will need to be updated.

Entry points

As of version 0.7, Sapper expects to find your entry points — for client, server and service worker — in an app folder. Instead of using magically-injected __variables__, each entry point imports from its corresponding file in the app/manifests folder. These are automatically generated by Sapper.

// app/client.js (formerly templates/main.js)
import { init } from 'sapper/runtime.js';
import { routes } from './manifest/client.js';

init(document.querySelector('#sapper'), routes);

if (module.hot) module.hot.accept(); // enable hot reloading
// app/server.js (formerly server.js)
// Note that we're now using ES module syntax, because this
// file is processed by webpack like the rest of your app
import sapper from 'sapper';
import { routes } from './manifest/server.js';
// ..other imports

// we now pass the `routes` object to the Sapper middleware
// app/service-worker.js (formerly templates/service-worker.js)
import { assets, shell, timestamp, routes } from './manifest/service-worker.js';

// replace e.g. `__assets__` with `assets` in the rest of the file
Templates and error pages

In previous versions, we had templates/2xx.html, templates/4xx.html and templates/5xx.html. Now, we have a single template, app/template.html, which should look like your old templates/2xx.html.

For handling error states, we have a 'special' route: routes/_error.html.

This page is just like any other, except that it will get rendered whenever an error states is reached. The component has access to status and error values.

Note that you can now use this.error(statusCode, error) inside your preload functions.

Webpack configs

Your webpack configs now live in a webpack directory:

  • webpack.client.config.js is now webpack/client.config.js
  • webpack.server.config.js is now webpack/server.config.js

If you have a service worker, you should also have a webpack/service-worker.config.js file. See sapper-template for an example.